THE WELLS PROJECT / Slipping Into One
ELLEN SINOPOLI DANCE COMPANY, choreography/dancers
BRIAN MELICK, musician
BAT-SHEVA GUEZ, filmmaker/director
To view a short video about the project, please follow this link:
To view a short video of behind-the-scenes from the fall film shoot, please follow this link:
The concept of The Wells Project is to create a site specific multifaceted filmed work that encompasses the sculpture opus of John Van Alstine and Caroline Ramersdorfer, the musicianship of guitarist Maria Zemantauski and percussionist Brian Melick and the modern dance choreography of the Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company. We have now entered the next critical stage in our development of the project. The award winning director, Bat-Sheva Guez, has joined us. She is the director of over 20 short films who commands a remarkable sensitivity for all the arts, but especially dance. With Bat-Sheva on our team and with the success of our initial fundraising efforts, we are now ready to push forward.
The setting is in Wells, NY at the compound of sculptors Van Alstine and Ramersdorfer. Historically this is the original Old Adirondack Lumber Company on the Sacandaga River. There are multiple components to this site with its many buildings and surrounding grounds that will be engaged in the development of this project.
The project is anchored by multiple sculptures in the context of two seasons. How will the changes in the climate, weather, temperature and the actual look of the landscape affect and influence the creative process of both dancers and musicians? Running alongside the Wells compound, the Sacandaga River inevitably plays a major role in what the artists see, feel, hear and touch. What is the power of the river to inform the artists?
The sculptors’ creative work flow will be the source of inspiration for the dancers and musicians. Ramersdorfer’s artistry delves deeply into the perception of internal cellular aspects of the material. Van Alstine’s artistry allows a simultaneous sense of weight and floating to occur when natural stone and man-made objects are combined.
Photos and footage of the sculptors, musicians and dancers at their work and within their individual creative processes begin the film. What follows is a captivating layering and meshing that becomes an intertwined tapestry. The film itself is an artistic statement as it captures and reveals the collaborative artistry of all involved.
Each artist has different tools with which to work, different processes to discover and refine their ideas, different methods to form and further develop their germinating seeds of ideas. Ramersdorfer and Van Alstine utilize design and structure. Zemantauski and Melick begin with rhythm and sound. Ellen Sinopoli and her dancers explore movement and its possibilities. Each art form continually informs the others in the creative process of the artists.
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